PMI Removal

A 1998 federal law requires lenders to allow you to drop your PMI once you have 20% equity in your home. To drop your private mortgage insurance you need a real estate appraisal by a certified real estate appraiser. Any improvements you made since purchasing your home will be reflected in the report.

What do I have to do to drop my mortgage insurance?

  1. Contact Your Lender.
    Verify that you are paying mortgage insurance. Confirm that you qualify for PMI removal.
    Get their specific requirements for exactly what you need, where to send the information. Most will require a real estate appraisal by a state certified real estate appraiser.
  2. Contact ABC Appraisal Inc.
    Verify that we meet your lender's experience and certifications and licensing requirements.
  3. Schedule An Appointment
    A Typical Real Estate Appraisal appointment will take approx. 25 minutes at the home. That includes both the interior and exterior inspection. A sketch of the room layout, digital photos are taken of the home as well as any outbuildings that may be on the property. The appraiser than gathers the town records related to the property.
  4. Send the Real Estate Appraisal report to your lender and enjoy the lower house payments.

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